Crafting a Bold Brew: The Strategic Positioning of Beast Mode Coffee in a Competitive Market

The e-commerce marketplace, particularly in the food and beverage sector, is a highly competitive environment. For a new brand to stand out and gain traction, it needs more than just a unique product. Customers need to believe in the brand through a compelling brand story, a strong and consistent brand image, and a well-designed, user-friendly online platform. 

This case study explores how Everpro rose to the challenge of creating a brand and launching an e-commerce website for new coffee brand, Beast Mode Coffee, targeting ambitious, goal-orientated individuals who love strong coffee.

Understanding the Market and the Audience

Before starting on the project, we took a deep dive into the marketplace and the deciding factors for coffee aficionados when buying online. We conducted extensive market research, analysing the competition and identifying the trends and preferences of the target audience. This research revealed that the online coffee market was not only saturated but also highly competitive. To break through the noise, the brand would need to identify a narrow audience and target them with values and an identity that they could relate to.

Beast Mode Brand Advertising Style by Everpro

Creating a Brand

Following our market research, we worked closely with co-owners Alex and Sanjay to create a brand that would resonate with the target audience. Given Alex’s career as a professional rugby player, they decided to take the brand in a direction that matched his athletic drive to push the envelope. The result was Beast Mode Coffee, a brand that doesn’t hold back. 

The brand logo was crafted to symbolise a coffee cup, subtly incorporating the shape of a dumbbell to attract both coffee enthusiasts and individuals with a zest for life. The iconography ingeniously transforms a coffee bean to double as a rugby ball, with a clever split creating the distinctive ‘beast’s eyes’. The colour palette is a nod to Alex’s previous rugby club, infusing a personal touch into the design.

Beast Mode Brand Voice by Everpro

Designing and Launching the E-commerce Website

With the brand created, we needed to design and launch an e-commerce website that would communicate the brand story while creating a snag-free sales process. Everpro designed a user-friendly website with a strong and consistent brand image. We used engaging visuals and compelling copy to draw in visitors and encourage them to make a purchase. The website was designed to be easy to navigate, with clear and concise product descriptions and a seamless checkout process.

Beast Mode Website by Everpro


"I absolutely love what Everpro have produced for us in a short space of time. Their advice and direction was second to none, and I am glad that I placed my trust in their expertise."

Since its launch, the Beast Mode Coffee brand and e-commerce website have been well received by the target audience. The website receives a steady flow of traffic, and the conversion rate is on par with industry standards. 

Beast Mode Brand Advertising by Everpro


This case study illustrates the power of understanding your audience and creating a brand that resonates with them. It also highlights the importance of a well-designed, user-friendly e-commerce website in facilitating sales. By taking the time to understand the target audience and the competitive landscape, we were able to create a brand and launch a website that stands out in a crowded marketplace.

Beast Mode Brand Media by Everpro

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